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Bud's Action Hub: how does it work?

Today, businesses struggle to measure the effectiveness of their messaging campaigns and many still rely on metrics like click-through rates and open rates, which provide only a superficial view of customer engagement. Unfortunately, these metrics don’t capture what really matters: whether these interactions lead to the desired change in customer action. 

Because organizations typically operate in silos, with various departments using different business intelligence (BI) tools, it’s difficult to share insights across various workflows, let alone departments. This means accessing the right data at the right time can be a daunting task, leaving teams frustrated and unable to harness the full potential of their customer insights.

Introducing Action Hub

Action Hub simplifies how businesses engage their customers through hyper personalized messaging campaigns using Bud’s transactional data insights or any other relevant data points. 

With Action Hub, clients can now effortlessly and securely send customer segments, along with personalized messaging data, to their existing internal systems or CRM platforms for approval before sending messages. This integration ensures that organizations can track both customer outcomes and even behavioral changes surfaced from their personalized campaigns.

Imagine being able to monitor whether your targeted messaging is influencing customer behavior, like increasing savings or reducing idle cash. Action Hub empowers you to do just that.

Under-the-hood: How Action Hub works

1. Seamless data integration

One of the standout features of Action Hub is its ability to seamlessly send data to existing systems within your organization’s workflow. Whether through webhooks or direct integration with popular CRMs like PEGA or Salesforce, Action Hub simplifies the data transfer process.

Clients also have total control over which data is sent. While we always include customer IDs for tracking, you can choose additional data points that may enhance the impact of your personalized messages. Our AI capabilities will even recommend the most useful data points based on your own personalized goals, making it easier to align your messaging strategies with the desired outcomes of your organization.

As you prepare to send customer segments for a campaign, consider what you want to monitor or track. Do you wish to assess whether your messaging leads to a change in key behaviors, such as increased savings? Action Hub allows you to define these parameters upfront.

With Bud’s AI Copilot, even the hassle of naming and describing segments is alleviated. Bud can suggest sensible options that you can easily modify, saving you time and effort in the campaign preparation process.

Here’s how: Dealing with Boundaries in Communication 👥 - Watch Video

2. Comprehensive outcome tracking

Action Hub empowers clients to proactively monitor the actual outcomes of their personalized messaging campaigns effectively, allowing them to track whether customer behaviors are shifting in line with their objectives and easily compare these changes over time. This comparison provides a broader understanding of the impact of personalized campaigns across the entire customer base and informs future campaigns.

Action Hub also highlights intriguing statistics, from which customers are eligible for specific offerings to which customer segments may not currently have any specific products or features they could benefit from.This information not only enriches clients’ insights but also opens up opportunities for targeted marketing efforts that can enhance customer engagement and retention.

Take control of your messaging with Action Hub

By seamlessly integrating with existing workflows and providing robust tracking capabilities, Action Hub empowers organizations to not only make informed decisions and measure the impact of their messaging campaigns accurately, but also drive meaningful customer behavior changes.

Interested in leveraging the data you already hold to drive customer engagement?

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