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How to use GenAI to multiply customer insights from transaction data

An in-depth report by Bud and PA Consulting, with contributions from Google, DataStax and Zup Innovation.

Find out how and why to fortify GenAI banking with enriched transaction data, plus how to deliver business value at scale using GenAI.

  • Key challenges in GenAI banking
  • Transaction data enrichment imperative
  • Scaling GenAI safely

It's time to act.

To be competitive in the era of the intelligent enterprise, banks need to invest strategically in building an enriched, contextual view of their customer transaction data and build their organization’s capability to maximize value from GenAI applied at scale to this transaction data.

Download the report to explore the transaction data enrichment imperative and five fundamentals to generate business value with GenAI.


Written by

Jakub Piotrowski

Jakub Piotrowski

VP of Product, Bud Financial
Richard Berkley

Richard Berkley

Partner – Data, Analytics and AI in Financial Services, PA Consulting

With contributions from

Georgina Bulkeley

Georgina Bulkeley

Director of EMEA Financial Services Solutions, Google Cloud
Bryan Kirschner

​​Bryan Kirschner

VP Strategy, DataStax
Vanessa Fernandes

Vanessa Fernandes

Senior Advisor, Zup Innovation