
The Bud Design Principles

Bud Team
Bud Team
Bud Team
Bud Financial

Bud is driven by one mission: to create the world’s most compelling financial data products. We share the belief that our designs need to be elegant, intuitive and inclusive in order to support our clients in changing the fabric of financial services. In doing so, we’re improving the lives of millions by offering products, services and experiences that allow people to take control of their finances. This summary introduces our design principles and how they guide us in everything we create.


Our approach is simple and ingenious. We believe in the notion that less is more. We use a composition that reduces noise and clutter. Our layouts are consistent and adaptive to create spatial organisation. Our design decisions illustrate visual clarity, eliminating the need for dispensable detail. We take complex technical capabilities and reimagine them as simple, sophisticated solutions. 


In a complicated and crowded industry, we’re straight-talking and rational. We couple industry-standard design patterns with innovative design trends. Our modular component libraries create familiarity at every touch point. We believe finding parity between information and affordance supports the success of every user experience. Above all, we’re instinctive and use language that’s easy to understand.


We design for all. Open banking is for everyone and our design process is no different. We’re inspired by best-practice accessibility standards. Our solutions are flexible to meet the needs of everyone - regardless of technical savviness or financial literacy. We believe in responsible innovation. We’re always ethical and transparent with how we use data.

These principles are the foundational pillars of our work and support consistent decision making within all our product teams. More importantly, they’ve become powerful values that have helped foster a strong design culture at Bud. 

If you think and work the same way we do, we’d love to hear from you. Check out our open roles to see if there’s something that’s right for you

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